May God bless you with the foolishness
to think that you can make a difference
in the world, so that you will do the
things which others tell you cannot be
done. You have great days still ahead
of you. May there be many of them.

"I wonder what would happen if we could build an education system that resembled the way people take on hobbies, interests and projects? It is uncanny the way in which hobbyists delve, learn and conquer what they don’t know about  their own interests. I wish the same for my students, and I know that letting them make mistakes and LEARN from those errors is a window into increasing their levels of motivation. Take any group of people, a group of teachers would be no different, give them new information and tell them that the measure of their knowledge retention will be a one-shot test. The evidence of stress would be immediate, and for good reason. Retests, practice, simulation, modeling – call it what you want, but I think it is imperative that we construct learning environments in which mistakes are welcomed and examined, but most importantly, a natural part of the process."
Myron Dueck http://myrondueck.wordpress.com/

Two groups of administrators participated in Instructional Rounds at HW Pickup and Pioneer Schools this week.
The focus was on understanding what and how classroom practices and learning environments engage, and challenge students. Thank-you to the teachers who opened their doors and allowed administrators to improve their skill of seeing.


Our lead teachers for Smart learning participated in two days of learning rounds this week.
Thank-you to Amanda Barrett, Rebecca Soppit and Katherine Autio for opening their classrooms for our lead teachers.
AISI Funding re-instated.....
With the reinstatement of AISI funds we will be looking at increasing professional learning in the areas of Math and Inclusion.
We will be asking coaches to attend the following:
UDL - with Kathy Murch at DEC on November 30th and December 1

Leading and Learning - RedDeer  December 2
We will provide sub costs, hotel for UDL and Leading and Learning as well as carpooled mileage
Watch for more updates on this to come.
As you grow older you will discover
that you have two hands—one for
helping yourself and the other for
helping others. Never throw
anyone away.” Sam Levinson

Jim Knight
"When coaches and teachers interact equally as partners, good things happen."

The way we interact with others makes or breaks most coaching relationships. Even if we know a lot about content and pedagogy and have impressive qualifications, experience, or post graduate degrees, people will not embrace learning with us unless they're comfortable working with us.

Emotional intelligence and communication skills help, but another factor is crucial. After conducting close to two decades of research on instructional coaching, my colleagues and I at the Kansas Coaching Project at the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning have come to believe that how wethink about coaching significantly enhances or interferes with our success as a coach. We suggest that coaches take a partnership approach to collaboration.
Apps for Coaches
There's an App For That!
This page is designed for participants to share helpful apps to assist in Instructional Coaching.
We will meet via elluminate on Tuesday, November 8th 3:45-4:30 ( Thanks Kim!)  Mark your calendars and watch for more information in the next few weeks.

Instructional Coaching
A study found that teachers brought new skills into the classroom 10 percent of the time after attending workshops, but 90 percent of the time after being coached. "A spate of small randomized trials confirmed the effect," Gawande writes. "Coached teachers were more effective, and their students did better on tests."

Blog comment - I am so glad to read this article - finally someone has realised that teachers are also still learning in their profession when they come on board, and not having arrived when they are appointed. So having a coach to sharpen their skills to move to the next level is inevitable and something worth doing to transform teachers as professionals.

What does constructivism have to do with my classroom?

As is the case with many of the current/popular paradigms, you're probably already using the constructivist approach to some degree. Constructivist teachers pose questions and problems, then guide students to help them find their own answers. They use many techniques in the teaching process. For example, they may:
prompt students to formulate their own questions (inquiry)

allow multiple interpretations and expressions of learning (multiple intelligences)
encourage group work and the use of peers as resources (collaborative learning)

The constructivist approach borrows from many other practices in the pursuit of its primary goal: helping students learn HOW TO LEARN. http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/constructivism/index_sub2.html
Web 2.0 ResourcesYouTube Channel for Teachershttp://www.youtube.com/teachersWe all know that You Tube has many great videos that we can use in our classrooms to engage students. However it can often be a challenge to weed through the many other types of content to find the right video to use with your students. You Tube has just started a new channel specifically for teachersYouTube.com/Teachers. Here teachers can find educational videos on a variety of subjects as well as suggestions on how you can use the videos to engage your students.

UpComing Professional Learning
for teachers

Galileo - October 28th at Evergreen School 9-3:30
Smart Learning - October 26, 27 Learning Rounds for Lead teachers (K-6) at Lochearn  (7-12) at Breton High
                          - October 28, 29  - sequences Lochearn School 9-3:30

Assessment -   October 28th - FMHS  ( gr. 7-12)