How Can I Make my Classroom a Playground?
Tim Wilhelmus
Student Engagement Play
Encourage Collaboration
Playgrounds are social by nature. When we play we seek others who want to take part in our games. We reach out to one another to help us construct the rules of our games and the details of our imaginary worlds. We also push ourselves in competition to prove our own mastery of a skill. At the same time rely on others to pick us up when we fall.

These social dynamics can be fostered in the classroom as well. In fact, classrooms that allow for a natural social environment often accelerate skills acquisition.

Play with Stuart Brown
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"I'd much prefer my students engaged and invested in the learning than getting all the "right answers."

Excuses, Excuses......Will a child's future wait?
"It is not hard to learn more.  What is hard is to unlearn when you discover yourself wrong."  - Martin H. Fischer 
You know, I'm actually getting tired of the excuse, "There's just not enough time." I get it....I understand the feeling, but guess what? It is just an excuse.  It's an excuse for not wanting to change.  An excuse for avoiding the time and thought needed to examine your practices, your curriculum, your schedule, your skills and knowledge base. It's an excuse to stay comfortable in that nice well worn rut we have developed by repeating our same actions.  Why stretch our muscles when they have become comfortable at doing what we do year after year.  I hear the rallying cries of, "we just keep adding and adding, but no one ever takes anything away.  There is no time to learn this new technology tool, this teaching strategy, or to implement this new initiative." Or the ever infamous yeah buts, such as, "yeah but that won't work in my school, or with my administrator, or in our town."


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